Who are we at ID8 Architecture? We are flexible, adaptable, positive, and passionate. We work hard and play hard, we are constantly learning and pursuing growth, and most importantly we encourage each other toward becoming the best possible versions of ourselves. One way we do this is through office challenges, holding each other accountable, and like most people at the new year … goal setting.
Research shows that setting specific, difficult goals consistently leads to higher performance. Where in your life you would like to step things up? What could you change to make yourself feel better? What is important for you to achieve in your life? These are the questions our team thought about while setting our goals for 2021.
Take a look below to see how our team plans to put purpose into the new year. (Plus, maybe sharing these publicly will help hold us accountable and give you a little inspiration for your own personal goals )
ANGIES's 2021 Goals

Professional goals:
Get the Armory project underway and moving forward
Personal Goals:
Increase my daily activity and choose healthier food options to fuel my mind and body. More yoga! Declutter and get rid of stuff that I no longer need. I also want to take more time off throughout the year. (This is one the team will for sure hold her accountable for!)
House Goals:
(We’re interior designers! We ALWAYS have improvements to our homes on our mind!)
Finish the house renovation projects I started in 2020. This includes trim, base, kitchen finishing touches, backsplashes installed, and egress windows trimmed out.
Rachelle's 2021 Goals

Professional goals:
Take the NCIDQ test part two and three … and pass! (We have faith she’ll rock this. She took part one this fall and passed with flying colors!)
Personal Goals:
Be active and complete a workout 3-4 times a week, take more personal time and add self-reflection time into my daily routine.
House Goals:
Add shelving in my kitchen and create an organizational system for my child’s toys.
Taylor's 2021 Goals

Professional goals:
Get out of my comfort zone and more frequently take advantage of the great networking opportunities in Brookings. Read 6 professional development books. It’s also my goal to sort my email inbox and never allow my inbox to grow over 100 emails. This one will be hard!
Personal Goals:
Work with my husband to build a better budget, even if it means less trips to Qdoba. Declutter and tidy my home before May (when Baby Liv arrives) and set a weekly cleaning schedule. Right now we sporadically do chores when we feel like it which might not be as easy when there is a little one included in our schedules. Spend more time with the people that matter, even if this is virtual time or sending a quick “love” note. I want to be better about reaching out to those I care about.
House Goals:
Set aside money monthly and continue to save for a kitchen remodel. We also want to add tile into our entry area and a railing to replace a half wall going down our stairs. Finally, get our nursery painted, arranged, and organized for Baby Liv’s arrival!
We hope you found reading through our team goals helpful in sparking some inspiration for your own year. Whether you stick to your goals or not, resolutions and setting goals are important. Start with one, and if you feel like you have the hang of it, start another. The hardest part is sticking with the good habits until they are no longer habits. There is no limit to how many positive changes you can make in your life, but you must start somewhere!