Master Planning; Multi-Family Residential
With the understanding and belief that a home is more than a building, the Branch Creek Neighborhood provides solutions for lower to mid-range priced homes for workforce and First-Time Homebuyers in a place that connects residents to the greater Brookings community and helps them to establish durable roots and personal well-being.
Branch Creek was an idea born out of the need for more owner-occupied workforce housing in Brookings identified by the 2022 Brookings County Housing Study. The aim during design was to keep all units below the SD Housing first-time home buyer's purchase price limit which as of October 2024 is $385,000. This is to help ensure first-time buyers can utilize the SDHA program. However, a large number of living units will actually be lower than the SDHA limit and fall into "Moderate Market" ($200k-$250k) and "Market" ($250k-$350k) categories as identified on p. 51 of the 2022 Brookings County Housing Study.
The entire 23 acres were designed as a neighborhood that encourages community and connectedness among its residents. Features include a pedestrian walkway to connect the east side through to the west side; a community garden; and a connection to the Brookings City Recreation Trail that runs along the retention pond for the development which has been designed to appear more 'creek-like' than a pond.
For even more information related to availability and listings, visit the development’s website at
- Utilized alleys for majority of homes to providing garage access. This maintains a traditional neighborhood street elevation of seeing and utilizing front doors and front porches.
- Variety of housing types utilized that are all inspired by Victorian-era architecture with a modern flair to promote a traditional neighborhood feeling…one that seems like it developed over time.
- High connectivity to area trails and recreation amenities such as Dakota Nature Park and Fishback Soccer Complex.
- All homes available under SD Housing First-Time Homebuyers price limit.
Brookings, SD
23 acres
72 Total Buildings
130 Total dwelling Units
• 36 Single Family
• 44 Twin Home Units
• 50 Townhome Units
• Master Planning & Placemaking
• Site Planning
• Public & Civic Representation
• Architecture
• Interior Design
• Visualization & Rendering
• Construction Administration
Clark Drew Construction